b because we all have dreams
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Monday, November 27, 2006

i decided i missed lj too much!



shib picked a flower @ 2:00 AM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 70%
Stability |||||||||| 36%
Orderliness |||||| 30%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 43%
Mystical |||||||||||| 43%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Religious |||||||||| 36%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Narcissism |||||| 30%
Adventurousness |||||| 30%
Work ethic |||||| 23%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||||| 70%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 50%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 70%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 70%
Change averse |||||||||||| 50%
Cautiousness |||||| 30%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 50%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 64%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63%
Vanity |||||||||||| 43%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

trait snapshot:

craves attention, messy, open, rash, irritable, likes large parties, low self control, weird, fragile, does not like to be alone, emotionally sensitive, worrying, depressed, heart over mind, does not respect authority, dependent, not rule conscious, not good at saving money, more interested in relationships than intellectual pursuits, likes to fit in, very social, frequently second guesses self, phobic, suspicious, not careful, outgoing, vain, compassionate, aggressive, likes to make fun, hates to lose

lol i got this from zan's blog, kinda accurate but some of it is very funny i sound crazy and overly emotional which is probably true.

MATH TODAY omg ! a levels will be over soon, OMG OMG ! columbia ED results will be out in a month ++ , OMG OMG !!

life is exciting :D or will be, soon. SOON!

shib picked a flower @ 7:24 PM

Friday, September 15, 2006

hello everybody blogging feels so weird now i havent updated in like tenmillion years but since today is my birthday! it merits an entry anddd perhaps i shall talk about prelims too. ugh prelims.

happy things first. my birthdayyy :] im finally 18, not like being legal makes much of a difference, but i feel kinda old now. kinda. but it hasnt really been feeling very birthday-ish, firstly because of the evils of prelims. despite me knowing the importance of prelims (and really i do. applications omg omg !) i still am not studying even a tenth of how hard i should be studying to get good grades for everything even math and econs. math paper1 and 2 are over, paper2 on my birthday omg ugh so tragic, and the paper was semi-tragic too, but whatever i still think ill do better than previously. i mean consistent Os.. you cant really deprove. even an E is better. right?right. :]

and dinika came back for like less than a month and left yesterday, before my birthday too :( so shortt and now everyone misses her even poor marshmallow who's been sulking around the house sad and miserable and not eating. but tis okay she will be back soon enough and the wonders of technology make people never too far away even when they are physically miles away.

so anyway! i was expecting a sad emo birthday where i will think and complain abt how much my life sucks even on days which are supposed to be happy (because of prelims/dinika leaving) BUT thanks to cherylho my wonderful family and my wonderfulwonderful friends i feel so happy and loved and blessed. firstly CHERYLHO thank you for all your effort, it means aloooot to me and your sneakiness was quite effective this year vs last year (because last year mavis was lousy) but im still smart and guessed you were planning something. but i really do love you, very touching present, and all the trouble you went through you are really the bestest friend anyone could ask for honestly :] i promise i will give you manymany balloons and plan something equally exciting for your birthday. (and make you look damnn hot for prom :] )

and by extention thankyou to my family of course, and abel mavis moni roland shiyun glen and zul i think (even though i havent gotten zul's note hmm haha) for the notes too, v touching :] (uh mostly touching hurhur)

and for all the birthday wishes since last night too (even though some woke me up at 1plus HMM haha) and also abel for the effort and cute notebook and very nice smelling pretty box and moni for the clutch which is damnn nice (and omg we bought each other damn similar gifts HAHA) and mavis your blog entry is v touching also.

SO THANK YOU friends i love you all veryvery much :]

okay prelimsprelims. i dont feel like talking about them. except i cannt wait for them to be over, and i think god loves me cuz the only things i studied for history were tested. like, ONLY. eg: provisional govmt for russian rev, mussolini (even though i forgot the economic stuff hmmm.) and 1848 revolutions. and i didnt study lit so my only hope for an A has kinda disappeared out of the window BUT tis okay i will strive harden for womanwarrior hod and frost (ee womanwarrior :[ ) AND i havent touched intl history. busybusy wkend.

AFTER PRELIMS ! there's bangkok and sleepovers and clubbing and everything omg i cannot wait. and of course, application essays which worry me but at the same time are damn exciting, i cant wait to go to uni, but its times like 15th septembers which reminds me how much ill actually leave behind and i really dont want to, ill be so sad/scared.

AH WELL okay im sleepy and i should attempt to study soon BYE everyone and good luck for prelims/promos! :D

shib picked a flower @ 5:32 PM

Friday, July 14, 2006

its going to be a busy 61 days, ill probably update reallly reallly little, anyway this blog's quite pointless. so.

monday was probably one of the happiest days ive had in a long time, long long time. coldplay was amazing. i loved yellow, kingdom come, the scientist, swallowed in the sea..and chris martin is incredibly sexy in this intense deep way and he is an amazing performer, though he looked like he was on drugs most of the time. and he runs really fast and moves around alot, so alot of my pictures were blurry and kinda screwed up haha. AND i think i have amazing pushing skills/shameless skills, because we kinda went in at 7:50 or so (when the concert started at 8) and managed to get to the 2nd row, really near the barrier, at the free standing area. which was very very good cuz i thought we'd stand right at the back and not see anything and i'd be very disappointed because the tickets happen to be $170 haha. explored marina sq raffles city citylink and related areas before that, i think that whole area of singapore is nicer than town. better shopping too :)

the dresser was pretty good, i think adrian pang was amazingly good. but i was so sleepy and tired, and so i didnt go to school on wednesday. school sucks. really. school's making me depressed, as are ct results, i dont know what im going to do to get decent grades for prelims. not just decent, good grades. because i need them for university apps and omg im so lazy and unmotivated and i dont know what im doing.

and again, again. maybe nothing's changed since last year. nothing at all. and i dont like feeling like this. it makes me realise how weak and vulnerable and easily affected i am, and im always like this. so stupid, so silly. shouldnt keep doing this to myself, and making this worse for myself. why am i like this :[

tomorrow will be a better day(i hope), because i have a number of things to look forward to. :)

and please if you dont know anything/ many things, please just dont make assumptions, and even if you do just dont tell them to me. because theyll stay in my head, and ill keep thinking abt them, and the more i do the more they make sense.

sigh, sigh. i want to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and never resurface :]

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
Speak no feeling, no I dont believe you.
You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.

shib picked a flower @ 11:12 PM

Monday, July 03, 2006

eeyer i dont believe school is staring tmr. :[ june holidays were refreshing, and happy, and really nice despite the studying or attempts to study and not exactly having as much fun as i had during previous holidays. but june holidays meant spending time with people i really wanted to spend time with, and waking up late and determining what i want to do and planning things for myself, which is rare and almost impossible during school time. particularly the spending time with people that i really want to thing, different classes and circumstances and everything.

even ct week was nice, though i must say that i think ct2s were pretty disastrous. as usual, as usual. its always like that, and its always my fault. because i was far too distracted, and not focusing, and not caring abt cts. which was terrible. and i was too tired and i guess it was kinda too late to do anything properly, really. so im kinda not expecting much, again. but, i really really am going to start planning everything properly. prelims and university application and ultimately a levels are not something that i can just 'try not to care about' like cts, and to put things into perspective, the 12 years of education in this stupid education system ultimately leads to this, and going overseas to somewhere good in the us has been my aim since god knows when, and i know better than to prioritise anything else over this, because i mean its the last few months at all. at least i HOPE i know better, oh no i hope i somehow become extremely hardworking and focused soon. i think ill be scared by my ct grades and have not much of a choice haha. and technically! cts arent even over, since there's hist s on friday, but whatever.

sat2s were alright, kinda around what i expected so that was fine, not sure if ill do 1 or 2 more just for the sake of it, but we shall see. i sound like a mugger so now i shall talk about my post ct activities! :] which have been suitably indulgent and relaxing, and i love my friends tons. dinnered on friday(after lit s, which was HMM but nvm), but couldnt do much else cuz i went to the doctor's to find out why my cough and flu are mysteriously not disappearing. doctor gave me strong asthmatic medicine, which sucked and tastes like shit, but i think im alot better now, or at least i really really hope so. went over to cheryl's and then shiyun's house on saturday, for tanning(which didnt work at all) and lazing around and generally relaxing and talking (: ate alot at a nice seafood place at changi village, got traumatised by flying beetles and cockroaches (esp cheryl ho) along changi beach, so we got scared and ran back to shiyun's house. haha.

sunday was spent at cheryl's with shiyun and abel who was there for most of the night, and jon before that too. watched high sch musical, which depite freaking cheesy dialogue has super nice songs. and is pretty sweet, too. and just my luck which was okay i guess, kinda mind-numbing to watch so much tv, and cherylho forced us to watch METEOR GARDEN, like omg. but it wasnt thattt bad la i admit. but i had fun, love my friends to bits and pieces :] whatever regrets ive had about decisions, or about the way my life is now compared to what it could have been, or anything like that has sorta disappeared, because i like the way things have been for the past month or so (generally) and i wouldnt want to change any of that, especially if post-jc life involves the same people ive been spending alot of time with in june and after. and less studying, of course. and seeing more of people like zul who have been damn busy and so on and so forth.

oh yes, on thursday, despite lit s the next day, went out with the 1e people.they make me laugh so much, haha its a nice feeling (: and scary movie was totally eddy humour, TOTALLY. but post-ct activities should be like that, nonsense humour and all.

ee i still dont believe school is starting, this is really very depressing. but at least there's a bit to look forward too, in coming weeks, and i get to see people again! like moni <3 but haiya, school. nevermind, 3plus more months and this will all be OVER, and that keeps me sane but also freaks me out, tremendously. okay i should attempt to plan my life now.

its the 4th of july tmr! :]

shib picked a flower @ 8:57 PM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Steal my heart and hold my tongue
I feel my time my time has come
Let me in unlock the door
I never felt this way before

And the wheels just keep on turning
The drummer begins to drum
I don't know which way I'm going
I don't know which way I've come

Hold my head inside your hands
I need someone who understands
I need someone someone who hears
For you I've waited all these years

For you I'd wait 'Til Kingdom Come
Until my day my day is done
and say you'll come and set me free
just say you'll wait you'll wait for me

In your tears and in your blood
In your fire and in your flood
I hear you laugh I heard you sing
I wouldn't change a single thing

And the wheels just keep on turning
The drummers begin to drum
I don't know which way I'm going
I don't know what I've become

For you I'd wait
'Til kingdom come
Until my days my days are done
Say you'll come and set me free
Just say you'll wait you'll wait for me

Just say you'll wait you'll wait for me
Just say you'll wait you'll wait for me

kl was fun, i love june holidays :D i dont want school to start, really. common tests are looming nearer and i am seriously not the least bit prepared i dont like thinking about it really :[ sniff.

happy birthday samjo (though this public birthday wish is a day late) i lurbe you v much i still cant wait till the [postponed] rr reunion. <3!

and happy belated daddy's day daddeh! haha im sorry for forgetting really -hides face.

and! since ive been tagged by weiqi,

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1. i have really cool detective sorta dreams, where assorted people and myself are trying to catch a criminal, or someone i know is about to be killed or something and im trying to help them

2. i like the way my dog smells even though its not always nice and he just smells like a dog/his shampoo

3. when i download shows like the oc, when the download is almost complete, i sit and watch the download go from 97% to 98% to 99% and to 100% and dont move till its finished, even if sometimes it takes like 20 mins or something. and whenever i watch the last episodes i always end up crying by myself in front of the computer like a loser :(

4. i dont like sleeping in hotels/friends houses alot of the time, even if its more comfy, because my cow is not there and i have been sleeping with the cow since sec1 or something

5. i have been keeping written diaries since i was in primary 4 till now and there's a whole collection of them now and i like to read them when im bored and alone at home

6. i am addicted to spider solitaire :[ so loser right?

I tag :
1. roland
2. stef
3. samjo
4. zul
5. twinstomach(evelyn)

and before i forget, cherylho what will i do without you? :] love!

shib picked a flower @ 7:28 PM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

i am feeling very proud of myself cuz i just finished my rolly essay. so now i can laugh at js and stef and all the other people who havent done it hehe. :)

today's been more productive than most, because there wasnt anything to watch on tv and i actually felt like doing a bit of work for once. so i did some math and found out that the questions are all very difficult and disgusting :( nevermind more math attempts tmr. i realise that i sound like a mugger which is good because i am aspiring to be one.

on another note, i think i became more hardworking because i have actually been forced to stay at home so much and tv got boring because i am sick. flu morphed into stomach flu and i threw up like 12 or 13 times in a night the other night, from 4am-8am or something it was horrible and it was just bile and assorted gastric juices. painful :( then i got injected and now i just have the remanents of the normal flu, with my nose and throat still feeling flammy and gross. very very timely, because cheryl & i planned to embark on grand diet plans for prom starting this week, and i got sick and havent been able to eat anything appetising or anything i'd want to eat alot of. which is good, in a way, but being sick sucks. i realised i hadnt been to the doctor's for a while, i think ive gotten relatively healthier in jc, which is a good thing :D relatively. haha.

also ive discovered that if you enjoy someone's company you can talk to the person endlessly and never run out of things to talk about. sleepovers last week with cheryl and moni led to that discovery, with cheryl and i talking and talking and talking endlessly about the same (few) topics until like 5am or something and not getting tired. haha. its nice when you get to know people better and discover how much theyre like you, eventhough i think most people wouldnt think that cheryl and i have as much in common as we do in reality. except i dont like taking photos of myself and proclaiming that i look very cute, unlike her -_- also it feels weird cuz i havent seen mavis for ages! she's been my very helpful and loyal studybuddy though we usually end up talking, snacking, and watching the omen which freaked me out alot. esp cuz my parents werent at home and i was all alone and it was SCARY.

and i think i have become more mature, and nonchalant. yesterday suprised me, its amazing how i can choose not to care so easily. which is a good thing, i think. :] my mind is very good at choosing what to focus its energies on.

i want to prolong watching episodes 23 and 24 of the oc cuz i dont want to reach the season finale, abel told me its very sad and i dont want to have no tv show to watch until prelims OmGgG. :[

shib picked a flower @ 9:58 PM


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